Welcome to CHAPSim
A CHannel And Pipe flow simulation solver, CHAPSim, is an incompressible Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) code for flow and heat transfer with MPI parallelization.

History of CHAPSim
There are two versions of CHAPSim, i.e., CHAPSim1.0 and CHAPSim2.0. CHAPSim1.0 is of a 2nd order central difference for spatial discretisation with 1-D parallelisation. CHAPSim2.0 has a higher-order (up to 6th order) accuracy with multiple dimensional parallelization. These two versions are released on Github under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3), which is a free, copyleft license.
The initial version of CHAPSim was developed by Dr Mehdi Seddighi in f77 platform for simulations of unsteady turbulent flows in a channel during his PhD study starting from 2007. The code has later been revamped by Dr Wei Wang for solving thermo-fluids problems in f90 platform in 2014-2015. All this early development work was carried out while Dr Seddighi-Moornani and Dr Wang were working with Professor Shuisheng He at the Universities of Aberdeen and Sheffield. In 2020, CHAPSim was selected by CCP-NTH to be developed as an open-source community code. Dr Wei Wang carried out the code refactoring and built up a user-friendly input/output interface, which was released on Github as CHAPSim1.0 in 2020.
CHAPSim2.0, with higher-order spatial accuracy and multiple dimensional parallelisation is under development by Dr Wei Wang.
The development of CHAPSim as an open-source community code is one of the major CCP-NTH tasks, in partnership with STFC Daresbury Laboratory (Contact: Dr Wei Wang), Liverpool John Moores University (Contact: Dr Mehdi Seddighi) and University of Sheffield (Contact: Professor Shuisheng He).
The CHAPSim repository is hosted by GitHub.
- CHAPSim1: git clone git@github.com:weiwangstfc/CHAPSim1.0.git
- CHAPSim2: git clone git@github.com:weiwangstfc/CHAPSim2.git
Click here to find a selected list of publications with numerical simulations using CHAPSim. If you have a recent publication related to CHAPSim and you’d like us to add here, please let us know.
Please be aware that acknowledgement of CHAPSim resources is crucial to our continued support. All published work with support of CHAPSim development team must carry the following acknowledgement, regardless of whether CoSeC staff are included as authors:
“This work made use of computational support by CHAPSim development team, through CCP-NTH (Grant Ref: EP/T026685/1).”
Any member of CHAPSim development team who made significant contributions should be included as an author and will expect to review the paper before its submission to a journal/conference. Please make use of the attached logo in any presentations and posters when acknowledging the support of CHAPSim and CCP-NTH.