What is CCP-NTH?


The Collaborative Computational Project in Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (CCP-NTH) – supporting next-generation civil nuclear reactors, is one of the UK Collaborative Computational Projects funded by EPSRC. The EPSRC Grant Ref is EP/T026685/1 for a five-year project starting from 1st April 2020. 

The aim of CCP-NTH is to support a community of researchers and engineers to develop and maintain computational methods and software packages to modernise the nuclear thermal hydraulics tools to meet the demands imposed through the development of advanced next-generation nuclear reactor systems to be employed in the coming decades. CCP-NTH aspires to achieve community building with networking and code development with maintenance.

This project is supported by Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) via The Computational Science Centre for Research Communities (CoSeC). CoSeC supports the advancement of scientific research by developing and strengthening software to analyse and solve increasingly complex problems in multiple disciplines – physics, chemistry, life sciences, engineering, and more. CoSeC also provides a hub for exchanging knowledge and expertise through training and outreach. Long-term partnerships and collaborations with universities and other research establishments are at the heart of CoSeC.

CCP-NTH Working Group

The CCP-NTH Working Group comprises the investigators together with leading industrialists and is led by the CCP Chair, who is responsible for coordination of the collaborative computational project. Co-investigators carry out local coordination and contribute to the delivery of all CCP activities. The working group is coordinated by the Management Committee, comprising academics, an industry representative and an international advisor.

The CCP-NTH principal investigator and chair is Shuisheng He (The University of Sheffield). The co-investigators are Hector Iacovides (The University of Manchester), Charles Moulinec (STFC Daresbury Laboratory) and Mike Bluck (Imperial College London). The CCP-NTH secretary is Wei Wang (STFC Daresbury Laboratory).

To find out more about who we are, please visit the CCP-NTH Working Group page.


Please be aware that acknowledgement of CoSeC resources is crucial to our continued support.

All published work supported by CoSeC must carry the following acknowledgment, regardless of whether CoSeC staff are included as authors:

“This work made use of computational support by CoSeC, the Computational Science Centre for Research Communities, through CCP-NTH (Grant Ref: EP/T026685/1).”

Any CoSeC staff member who made significant contributions should be included as an author and will expect to review the paper before its submission to a journal/conference.

Please make use of the attached logo in any presentations and posters when acknowledging the support of CoSeC and CCP-NTH:

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Find more about our privacy statement.

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