National/International Visits

CCP NTH provides a number of visiting grants for incoming and outgoing international visits to promote and support international collaborations. The purpose of the international incoming visits is to enable UK university*[1]groups to host international experts for discussion, collaborations and/or delivering lectures. These visits are encouraged to be coincident with one of the CCP technical meetings at which the visitors can also deliver talks to the wider community. Support will also be provided to members of the CCP who wish to visit centres of excellence in computational thermal hydraulics, including, universities, national laboratories and industrial R&D centres. Additionally, to promote collaborations between UK research groups, and universities and industry, CCP NTH also provides T&S support for exchanges of UK short visits of up to one week between academic groups, and academics and industry in the UK. The grants will not support the attendance of conferences.

In addition, funding is available to support workshops, forums cross-group meetings organised by any academic groups involving participants from two or more institutes.

All applications will be assessed by the Management Committee.

* University and academics in this document refer to any institutes or individuals who are eligible to receive funding from the UK research councils.

Visiting grant awards

Visiting Grants

(1) UK exchange of short visits

  • Number: up to 3 awards per year
  • Value: up to £1000.00
  • Eligibility: UK Academic staff and PDRAs
  • Eligible support: travel and subsistence for up to one week
  • Purpose: to support researchers to spend some time in another research group or industrial establishment.
  • Award condition:
    • (i) Producing a half-page report within one month of completion of the visit;
    • (ii) acknowledging the support from CCP NTH (EP/T026685/1) in publications resulting from the visit/ collaboration.

(2) International incoming grant

  • Number: up to 2 awards per year
  • Value: up to £2000.00
  • Eligibility:
    • (i) Applicants:      UK Academic staff
    • (ii) Invitees:          Experts from outside the UK
  • Eligible support: travel and subsistence for up to one week
  • Purpose: to enable UK university groups to host international experts for discussion, collaboration and/or delivering lectures.
  • Award condition:
    • (i) Producing a half-page report within one month of completion of visit;
    • (ii) acknowledging the support from CCP NTH (EP/T026685/1) in publications resulting from the visit/ collaboration.

(3) International outgoing grant

  • Number: up to 2 awards per year
  • Value: up to £2000.00
  • Eligibility: UK Academic staff/PDRAs
  • Eligible support: travel and subsistence for up to one week
  • Purpose: To support members of the CCP who wish to visit centres of excellence in computational thermal hydraulics abroad.
  • Award condition:
    • (i) Producing a half-page report within one month of completion of visit;
    • (ii) acknowledging the support from CCP NTH (EP/T026685/1) in publications resulting from the visit/ collaboration.

(4) International conference grant

  • Number: up to 1 award per group per year
  • Value: up to £1500
  • Eligibility: UK Academic staff/PDRAs
  • Eligible support: Conference fee, travel and subsistence
  • Purpose: To support members of the CCP who wish to participate in an international conference and present a paper on a topic within the remit of this CCP.
  • Award condition:
    • (i) Producing a half-page report within one month of completion of the visit;
    • (ii) acknowledging the support from CCP NTH (EP/T026685/1) in their presentation/paper.

How to apply for visiting grants:

  • Deadlines: End of March, June, September, and December (Every 3 months).
  • Length of the proposal: No more than 2 pages of A4.
  • The proposal should describe the track record of the visitor and the host, the purpose of the visit, planned activities and anticipated output. It should also describe the proposed dates of the visit and a detailed justification of resources (T&S) requested. In the case of an international conference grant, you should include the detail of the conference and the benefit of attendance, and attach a copy of the abstract/paper and proof of its acceptance by the conference.
  • Proposals are to be sent to: Dr Wei Wang ( and copy to Professor Shuisheng He (
  • The deadlines are nominal. Please contact us if you have an urgent request.

Ad hoc workshops

Ad hoc Workshops:

  • Purpose: To support collaboration among the community by supporting workshops, forums and cross-group meetings.
  • Value: Up to £1000
  • Eligibility: UK Academic staff
  • Eligible cost:  Venue hiring, food & accommodation. 
  • Award condition:
    • (i) Half-page report within one month of completion of visit;
    • (ii) Acknowledging the support from CCP NTH (EP/T026685/1) in publications resulting from the visit/collaboration.

How to apply

A single-page proposal to explain, who, the purpose and cost, is to be sent to: Dr Wei Wang ( This will be lightly reviewed by two MC members.